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UFO AFRINEWS Resources »
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I've finally uploaded all 22 UFO Afrinews issues which
Cynthia Hind published from 1988 to 2000. Click on the images to view the files.
These are the two books which Cynthia published and are available online mainly
from or

African Encounters was first published in 1982

Cynthia's second book UFOs Over Africa was published 1997
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What can I say this is a new site for all true UFO researchers out there
interested in sighting from Africa and beyond!
Anyway this is the first UFO Afrinews issue to be published
in 1988. All files are in PDF format. Please note each issue is around 5MBs
in size. Click on the image to view all resources.

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for the maintenace and upkeep of this sight and to further research.