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Last update:
7 July 2009.
Welcome to UFO AFRINEWS »
I've dedicated this site to Cynthia Hind UFO Afrinews work, and would like
to provide as much of the resources she spent years gathering and giving out
virtually free to whoever was interested. The UFO Afrinews series of booklets
were first published in July 1988 and the final copy (No.22) published in July
2000 just before her passing.
This year I decided to spend some time putting together all her UFO Afrinews
booklets which she usually published once or twice in a year here for free,
and if you're are feeling generous and would like to help with the upkeep of
this website and further research can pay me via my paypal account by clicking
the donate button on the bottom right.
All booklets are now available through the resource link above. I hope
you'll find the material useful and do contact me if you have any interesting
on the
can find my contact details by clicking
here or on the Contact menu above.
News »
What can I say this is a new site for all true UFO researchers out there
interested in sighting from Africa and beyond!
Anyway this is the first UFO Afrinews issue to be published
in 1988. All files are in PDF format. Please note each issue is around 5MBs
in size. Click on the image to view all resources.

You can donate here
for the maintenace and upkeep of this sight and to further research.